ASPMaker 2018 Demo Project Readme File 1. Install ASPMaker 2018, 2. Unzip the demo archive to any folder, 3. Double click demo2018.agp to open the project, 4. Change the connection info and save the project (if necessary): - change the database path in the [Database] tab, click "Tools"->"Synchronize" to update the main database connection info, - click "Edit"->"Add Linked Tables", select "demorpt (var: demorpt, type: Access)" from the Database selection list, - click the "Synchronize" button to update the database path and then click "OK' to close the form 5. Click on the "Generate" tab, change the application root folder and destination folder to where you want to output the generated files, 6. If you have IIS Express on your machine, you can check "Browse after generation", 7. Click the "Generate" button, 8. When script generation is finished, copy the images (EmpID*.jpg) to the "uploads" folder under the application root, 9. Browse the website.